radioguyfg 5th November 2011

I'm sorry to be sending this so late (3+ years after Chris passed away, but I felt the need to express my thoughts. I was, of course, shocked and saddened by the news that Chris was no longer with us. He came to Salesianum after I had graduated, but I had the privelege of playing under his direction in some alumni musical groups, and in the Brandywine Pops. I came to appreciate not only his musicianship, but also his sense of humor and ready smile. Like some others, I was unwilling to accept the "new" band director at Sallies at first, after Father Spragg's long tenure, but Chris put up with me, and after he had to suffer my hardheadedness for too long a time, we became friends, and I'm glad I had the chance to know Chris. I just wish he hadn't left us so soon. Frank Gerace Salesianum class of '76